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Moissanite, also known by its chemical name, silicon carbide (SiC), is a naturally occurring mineral found in very limited quantities or as minute particles in the earth. The rarity of natural moissanite crystals large enough for jewelry prohibits their use. For years, scientists tried to re-create this extraordinarily brilliant material. Only recently, through the power of advanced technology, has a way been developed to produce in a laboratory colorless (D-F) Moissanite is truly a unique and beautiful blend of art and science.
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Mariqe Moissanite may initially look like diamond however, they are unique jewels with different physical, optical and chemical properties than diamond. While diamond's chemical composition is carbon (C) and has a long association with love and romance; moissanite is the mineralogical name for silicon carbide (SiC) and symbolizes the perfect indulgence or self-purchase reward for a woman celebrating important personal or professional milestones or achievements. Moissanite has superior fire and brilliance as compared to other gemstones and jewels, including diamond. With nearly 2.4 times the fire of diamond, compare for yourself.

Moissanite and cubic zirconium (or CZ) are very different from each other. While they both are near-colorless, their similarities are limited to color. Moissanite has unique chemical, optical and physical properties which easily identifies and separates it from CZ. Cubic zirconium is widely synthesized by a number of companies, for use as an inexpensive diamond look-alike or simulant. By comparison, moissanite is not a diamond simulant, but rather a unique jewel, unlike any other. In contrast, naturally occurring quantities of moissanite are so minute and scarce that they are not suitable for use in jewelry. Vosali have mastered the art of advanced technology for creating moissanite crystals for jewelry use. These rare jewel-quality crystals are produced in limited quantities and are carefully hand-faceted into moissanite jewels once each crystal meets stringent quality controls.

Moissanite's remarkable dispersion (fire) its ability to break white light into the spectral (rainbow) colors is one reason so many women are enchanted by its beauty. With more fire than any popular gemstone including diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald no other gemstone or jewel compares to Mariqe Moissanite . In fact, fire can be measured scientifically and with a dispersion of 0.104 moissanite has nearly 2.4 times the fire of diamond. The more times you see moissanite and the longer you look at it, the more you realize it's a jewel worth owning.

The durability of a gemstone is determined by its hardness, or its resistance to scratching and abrasion and its toughness or resistance to chipping and breaking. Moissanite is extremely resistant to abrasion and is harder than most popular gemstones such as ruby, sapphire, emerald and tanzanite. In fact, moissanite is second only to diamond in hardness. Moissanite is tough and extremely resistant to breaking and chipping. In fact, you can have peace of mind knowing that moissanite is one of the toughest jewels known to man.

Mariqe moissanite jewels are produced within exact specifications and high quality control methods. Each moissanite jewel is precisely hand-cut by a master gemcutter using unique facet arrangements and angles designed specifically to enhance the jewel's fire and maximize its brilliance. Vosali Moissanite Authenticity ensures that every moissanite jewel is an original which has been created in controlled laboratory facilities by highly-skilled specialists using the latest technology.

Mariqe Moissanite is extremely hard, durable and resistant to abrasion and chipping, it, like all other gemstones and jewels is not indestructible. Care for your moissanite jewelry just as you would other fine jewelry, taking care not to wear rings and bracelets when doing rough work or sports. Moissanite jewelry can be safely cleaned the same way your would clean other fine jewelry using a jewelry ultrasonic cleaner or commercial (non-acid based) jewelry cleaner.

Moissanite does occur in nature however, the crystals are tiny and rare. In fact, they are so scarce that enough gem-quality natural moissanite doesn't exist to create a pair of solitaire earrings. Today, beautiful lab-created moissanite jewels are available through a proprietary and patented thermal growth process exclusively through Mariqe. The growth process is very involved and technology intense all factors which prevent mass production of Moissanite.

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